Monday, July 28, 2008

A New Edifice But No Harmony in Newtown

New York, 1895

Presbyterians Have a Spirited Row and Almost Come to Blows

Notwithstanding the impressiveness of the ceremonies attending the recent dedication of the Presbyterian church at Newtown, and the apparent harmony that marked that event, it is now feared that the dissensions that are known to have long existed between the pastor, the Rev. J. E. Mallmann, and his friends, on the one side, and a faction that opposes his ministry on the other, may have disastrous results. The collections have fallen off and now there has been an open rupture in the board of trustees. This occurred Wednesday night at a meeting in the residence of Chairman Scheper, which was called by the anti-Mallmanites. The trustees present were Messrs. Morgan, Hardgrove, Proctor, Hoflinger, and Clerk Hathaway.

The meeting had just begun when Trustee Morgan accused Trustee Scheper of being in a scheme to sell a certain part of the church ground. Morgan contemptuously referred to his pastor as "that fellow" and "Mallman" and declared that the majority of the trustees were against the scheme to part with any of the church property. Chairman Scheper declared that Morgan's remarks were highly insulting. He told Morgan to desist, and failing to get order Mr. Scheper ordered Morgan out of his house and threatened to use force if necessary. Some of the cool headed trustees tried to secure order, but failed, and Morgan marched out of the house before a constable, who had been sent for, arrived.

The meeting then broke up.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 24, 1895, p. 1.

Note: They have Rev. Mallman's name spelled with two n's in one place. Sometimes it's with one n, as in an earlier article of mine and with two n's, also in an earlier article of mine.

Online, I found a couple of outside references to Mallman, a book for sale that was inscribed to him. The book was by Edwin W. Rice, D.D., called "Our Sixty-Six Sacred Books: How They Came to Us, and What They are."

In the description it says adds this about Mallman, again with his name with one n and once with two n's!:

Philadelphia American Sunday-School Union 1893, Fourth Edition Hard Cover Signed by Author Good 159 pages, index; black and white illustrated with facsimiles of early Bibles; Inscribed and signed by the author, to Rev. J.E. Mallmann, in Lake George, N.Y. Aug. 28, 1895; expounding and interpreting various biblical historical topics in early forms; a good association copy between Edwin Wilbur Rice (1831-1929) Congregational clergyman, editor, author and with the American Sunday School for many years and J.E. Mallman, minister from Shelter Island, Long Island, New York and author of Historical Papers on Shelter Island and its Presbyterian Church 1899...

At, as of today, there is a copy of Mallman's book, "Historical Papers...," with the author field having it Mallmann (with two n's.) So maybe that's the way he spelled his name, but who knows!

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