Saturday, July 26, 2008

St. Joseph's Church Improvements

New York, 1895

The News of Queens.

The grounds about St. Joseph's church have been graded and otherwise improved.

Creedmoor is to have a Methodist chapel. John Klein has donated ground for the building.

The members of the Reformed church have improved their property by grading and widening the sidewalk leading from the chapel to the railroad.

Rev. Joseph S. Motoda, P. H. D. lectured in costume at St. Joseph's church on Tuesday evening on the customs and manners of the Japanese people, for the benefit of the church building fund. The ladies of the Girls friendly society served tea after the lecture.

The following officers of the Reformed Sunday School have been elected for the ensuing year: Superintendent, Townsend Hendrickson; assistant superintendent, Benjamin Bergen; secretary, Irving J. Kelsey; treasurer, Peter C. Hendrickson; librarian, C. Cyril Hendrickson; assistants, Clarence Hendrickson, William Nichols and W. A. Kissam; organist, Miss Maud Hendrickson.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 8.

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