Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunday School Convention

New York, 1895

The twenty-fifth annual convention of the county Sunday school association will be held in the Presbyterian church at Newtown on Wednesday afternoon and evening, June 5. Following is the program:

Convention called to order by Dr. Charles H. Ludlum, president. Reading scriptures, prayer, minutes of last convention, treasurer's report, appointment of committees, nominations, resolutions, auditing, place of next convention; appointment of delegates to state convention, Saratoga, June 11-13; greeting to the convention, the Rev. J. E. Mallmann, Newtown; response by the president; report of town secretaries, Hempstead, Oyster Bay, Jamaica, Long Island City, Flushing, North Hempstead and Newtown; report of secretary woman's mission aid, Mrs. J. J. Davies; "The Work and the Worker," led by Dr. J. S. Cooley, Glen Cove; an informal discussion of Sunday school difficulties, experiences and methods; exhibition of the sand map, by Miss Juliet E. Dimock, Elizabeth, N. J.; questions for the question box.

Evening session, 7.30 o'clock — Anthem, reading scriptures, prayer, election of officers, introduction of president-elect, address, the Rev. B. B. Tyler, D. D., New York, subject, "The Present Position of the Bible and Its Perils;" question box, Mr. Isaac O. Hendrickson, Jamaica; reports of committees, resolutions and remarks, parting words by the president.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 24, 1895, p. 8.

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