Saturday, July 26, 2008

Christian Endeavor Rally

New York, 1895

The semi-annual convention of the Jamaica union of the Christian Endeavor was held at the Baptist church, Thursday evening. The attendance was large. Morrell Smith, president, occupied the chair, and Miss Corinne Stillwell, secretary, kept the minutes. The proceedings opened with a song service, after which a Bible lesson was read and prayer offered by the Rev. Charles Rutherford, of Springfield. The convention was welcomed by the Rev. Charles S. Daniels, pastor of the church. Rev. W. G. Bassett made an address on the religious and social benefits conferred upon the church by the Christian Endeavor movement.

The "open parliament" was conducted by Mrs. Frank I. Wheat, of Woodhaven, and the consecration service by Mr. Eckert, of Richmond Hill.

Miss Lizzie Styles contributed a soprano solo and a quartet comprising Miss Styles, Miss Bodge, Mr. Erdman and Mr. Hardenbrook sang a selection with pleasing effect. Miss Bartow acted as piano accompanist.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 8.

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