Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meeting of the Epworth League

New York, 1895

A Large Gathering of Young Christians at Rockville Centre.

The Epworth League convention held in St. Mark's Methodist church at Rockville Centre on Tuesday was one of the largest gatherings of religious people ever seen in that village. Delegates were present from all parts of the island.

The morning session opened with devotional exercises. After roll call, which showed thirty-five chapters were represented, the Rev. James S. Chadwick, of Brooklyn, spoke on the "Quiet Hour." His remarks were followed by a consecration service.

The afternoon session was opened by the Rev. R. W. Jones, of Brooklyn. A series of papers on the "Epworth League at Work" were presented. Many of them gave excellent suggestions to the older as well as the younger members of the league.

Cornelius S. Loder read a paper on "Spiritual Work." John J. Holden read a paper on "Bible Study." Presiding Elder Wing gave an interesting talk on the purposes of the Epworth summer assembly which is to be held at Point of Woods in July. Miss C. A. Teale gave an address on social work.

The evening session opened with devotional exercises conducted by Edgar McDonald. The address was by the Rev. Emory J. Haynes, D. D., of New York.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 10, 1895, p. 8.

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