Monday, July 14, 2008

Interesting Baptismal Service Celebrated

New York, 1895

Among the Churches

Doings of the Various Religious Bodies Throughout the Island.

The First Baptist church of Babylon has extended a call to the Rev. Walter B. Pimm, a Crozier seminary student.

The Rev. Paul Houghtaling, pastor of the Congregational church at Sayville has tendered his resignation, to take effect August 1st.

The Rev. Wilbur P. Ferguson, pastor of the Patchogue Methodist church, has accepted a call to the presidency of the Centenary Collegiate Institute at Hackensack, N. J.

The Rev. Eugene J. Donnelly, rector of St. Michael's church, Flushing, sailed Saturday morning for Genoa. He will be gone about six months. His parishioners presented him with a purse of $700.

The first confirmation service within the year took place at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, on Sunday. Bishop Littlejohn, who returned from his vacation last week, officiated, and a large class was presented.

An interesting baptismal service was celebrated at the Baptist church in Patchogue. The Rev. Frank P. Stoddard of Strong place Baptist church, Brooklyn, assisted the Rev. Richard Hill of the local church in baptizing nine converts. Rev. Mr. Stoddard preached the sermon.

The new Presbyterian church at Newtown was dedicated on Sunday. The Rev. William M. Paxton preached the dedicatory sermon. The pastor conducted the office of dedication. At the afternoon service there was a fellowship meeting at which the Rev. J. Howard Hobbs, of Jamaica; Rev. Edward M. McGuffey, of Newtown; Rev. Charles K Clearwater, Rev. W. W. T. Duncan, Rev. F. W. Hock and the Rev. A. H. Todd made addresses. The Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, of Brooklyn, preached the sermon in the evening. The church has been built and furnished with a fund left by the will of the late John Goldsmith Payntar, of New York, a former resident of Newtown.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 10, 1895, p. 2.

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