Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Liked His Preaching


He Had Heard Him Often and So Enjoyed His Supper.

A hard featured man, dressed in a new suit of very cheap black, called at the house of a well known clergyman, and upon giving his name was invited to take a seat in the gentleman's study.

"I have a few days to spend in town," said the visitor, "and I did not want to leave without calling and paying my respects to you. I have heard you preach many a time."

"Yes," said the parson, beginning to take an interest in the visitor.

"I like your preaching, and, though I do not belong to your church, yet I must say you preach the best sermon I over heard. There are so very few good preachers now, very few in whose uprightness we can place trust, that when we meet one of the right kind we like to express our appreciation."

"Yes," the good man repeated, and as the bell tinkled he rose and said, "Come, my friend, and take some lunch with me."

The visitor was only too happy, and seated at the table began to eat with an avidity that attracted the host's attention.

"You say that you have heard me preach many a time?" remarked the minister.

"Oh, yes," the man replied, conveying an ample allowance of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"I don't remember seeing you at my church. I suppose you have heard me in the country?"

"No," said the visitor, helping himself to beans, "not in the country." "Certainly not in town?"

"Well, sorter yes and sorter not. You know you preached at the prison for some time. I was there for stealing a horse and cart and finished my time today. Thank you for the bread." — Pittsburg Dispatch.

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