Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jamaica Church Notes

New York, 1895

The Rev. Francis Hill of Hollis occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday morning.

Last Sunday four persons were received into membership in the Methodist church by letter, and two on probation.

The Rev. Dr. Poulson of the Methodist church will exchange pulpits Sunday with the Rev. Dr. Couch, of Brooklyn.

Judge John H. Pierce, of Minneapolis, will speak on "Temperance Work and the Keeley Cure as a Factor Therein," in the Methodist church Sunday evening next.

The union meetings which have been held by the Presbyterian, Methodist, Reformed and Baptist congregations for the past four weeks, were brought to a close in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening with a communion service, at which all of the pastors spoke.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Feb. 8, 1895, p. 12.

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