Sunday, May 11, 2008

Affairs of St. Monica's Church

New York, 1895

Contributions Have Been Liberal and Exceed the Expenditures.

It cannot be said that the people who attend St. Monica's Catholic church are not liberal in their contributions for the support of worship, for during the fiscal year just closed their offerings aggregated $6,973.49. This seems to be quite extraordinary, because the congregation that used to worship at St. Monica's has been thinned by the establishment of St. Mary's church, which seems to have outgrown St. Monica's parish in the last few years. The report of St. Monica's rector shows the expenditures to have been $6,491.66, so that there is a balance in the treasury of $481.83. The church is in debt $14,500.

To the Editor of the Long Island Farmer:

The report of the financial condition of St. Monica's church, which was read to the congregation at Sunday morning's masses, is not a correct statement, unless the statement of last year was incorrect. I see by last year's (1893) statement that a balance of $872.82 was left at the close of the year's business. If that was true the money must have gone amiss, for the balance is not carried into this year's (1894) account, and therefore is not accounted for at all. * * Taking the accounts for the two years jointly, there should be a balance of $1,354.65.

I also notice in this year's report that the church property is insured for $327, and that the premium paid was $252. This cannot be true, and I should advise the church bookkeeper to issue a revised statement. EXAMINER.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1895, p. 12.

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