Friday, May 9, 2008

Grit for Preachers


Dr. Herrick Johnson, in writing of "Preaching and the Preacher," thus commends "grit." He says: "Grit keeps the preacher at the hard grind of incessant intellectual toil. That is grit brainward. Grit keeps him at men, for men, ready to spend and to be spent in their behalf, though the more abundantly he loves them the less he be loved. That is grit heartward. Grit keeps him steadfast in truth and bold to declare all God's counsel, fearless of man or devil. That is grit backboneward. Salted by grace, and so kept from obstinacy, it is a noble quality, and will do the preacher great stead in the coming battling years."

—The Ram's Horn, March 17, 1900, p. 18.

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