Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baymen Being Converted

New York, 1895

A Great Religious Revival at East Rockaway.

A great spiritual revival has taken place at East Rockaway and at Ocean Side. Seven months ago George M. Davison conceived the idea of building a chapel for the use of those not connected with the church in the vicinity. Mr. Davison built his chapel and opened it with Evangelistic services. The baymen and other inhabitants of the necks adjoining began to come in. Ere long, under the influence of Miss Cora Gregg and other evangelists, they made professions of conversion and now at the alternate nightly services the building is packed. The interest is extending to adjoining villages and many visitors attend the services. The workers are branching out, and through the Long Island railroad company have secured the use of the Long Beach railroad station and are holding meetings there also.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Jan. 11, 1895, p. 4.

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