Friday, March 14, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom


In the noonday of life only short shadows are cast.

In order to find out how strong a stick is you must break it.

A good fisherman always provides himself with plenty of bait.

The man who borrows and seldom pays is one who seldom lends.

When you confess a fault to a friend, confess one that you know he also has.

The man who is above imitating the methods of others need never be afraid of being imitated.

Sometimes the loftiest monument towers above the grave of the poet who starved to death.

Women were formed to temper mankind and soothe them into tenderness and compassion. — Addison.

Those who go slowly through life have an opportunity of reading the guideboards along the way. The riches of the world and the
gratifications they afford are too apt when their evil tendency is not opposed by a principle of religion to beget that friendship for the world which is enmity to God.

Prayer is so mighty an instrument that no one ever thoroughly mastered all its keys. They sweep along the infinite scale of man's wants and God's goodness. — Hugh Miller.

Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasurable, and you create for the world a destiny more sublime than ever issued from the brains of the wildest dreamer. — Sir Walter Scott.

Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable. — La Fontaine.

Prudence yields to circumstance, folly quarrels with it, pride defies it, wisdom uses it and genius controls it. J. S. Blackie.

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