Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Making Others Happy


When you rise in the morning form a resolution to make the day a happy one to a fellow creature. It is easily done; a left-off garment to the man who needs it, a kind word to the sorrowful, an encouraging expression to the striving — trifles in themselves light as air — will do at least for the twenty-four hours.

And if you are young depend upon it, it will tell when you are old, and if you are old, rest assured it will send you gently and happily down the stream of time to eternity. By the most simple arithmetical sum look at the result. If you send one person, only one, happily through each day, that is 365 in the course of the year. And supposing you live forty years only after you commence that course of medicine, you have made 14,600 beings happy at all events for a time. — Sydney Smith.

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