Monday, March 31, 2008

Letter To Besieged Missionaries in China


As an item of record and for the benefit of those clamorous bigots who a few months ago were holding the Christian missionary responsible for all the ruin wrought to "trade and human life" in China, we print herewith the text of a letter addressed to this noble band of Christians by Mr. Conger, minister plenipotentiary of the United States in China:

"Pekin, Aug. 18 — To the Besieged American Missionaries: To one and all of you so providentially saved from the threatened massacre, I beg in this hour of our deliverance to express what I know to be the universal sentiment of the diplomatic corps — a sincere appreciation of and profound gratitude for the inestimable help which you and the native Christians under your charge have rendered toward our preservation. But for your intelligent and successful planning and the uncomplaining assistance of the Chinese I believe our salvation would have been impossible. By your courteous consideration of me and your continued patience in most trying occasions I have been deeply touched, and for it I thank you most heartily. I hope and believe that somehow in God's unerring plan your sacrifices and dangers will bear rich fruit in the material and spiritual welfare of the people to whom you have so nobly devoted your lives and work. Assuring you of my personal respect and gratitude, believe me very sincerely yours, E. H. CONGER."

—The Ram's Horn, Nov. 17, 1900, p. 6.

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