Saturday, March 1, 2008



Adversity tries faith; prosperity tries fidelity.

The man who has a right to boast does not have to.

A beauty not explicable is dearer than the beauty which we can see the end of. — Emerson.

The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. — Emerson.

It is much wiser to steer well than to honk your horn.

It takes brains to make money; it takes character to use it right.

Church membership is not an elevator into heaven.

If you hold your religion lightly, you are sure to let it slip.

God never reveals what man can discover.

A pessimist is a person who is seasick during the entire voyage of life.

When it comes to coddling imaginary wrongs, the average person is a faithful nurse.

Even if you are too deaf to hear the preacher, the Church is still a good place for listening to God. — Holmes.

Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

The less of it they have, the more people seem obsessed with the inclination to speak their mind.

Action unaccompanied by thought is folly, but thought unaccompanied by action is vain.

Unless we can learn the supremacy of spiritual forces, the pall bearers that have carried out dead civilizations wait at our door. — Fosdick.

Don't throw mud; you might miss your mark, and you are sure to get your hands dirty.

Hard work is the yeast that raises the dough.

The duty of the many should not be the task of the few. Many a man saves everything but his soul.

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