Sunday, March 30, 2008

Revising The Presbyterian Creed


Dr. Herrick Johnson says concerning creed revision in the Presbyterian Church: "There are five great points that constitute 'the real issue' in the revision movement. Two of the five points are things in the confession, viz: The decree of reprobation and the 'elect infant' clause; and three of the five points are things not in the confession, viz: The love of God for all men, the duty of discipling all nations, and a formulated doctrine of the Holy Spirit. * * A supplemental creed must restate all our essential doctrines, seeking to give them scriptural perspective and proportion and form, and in absolute loyalty to 'the system' that has been our glory and our joy. Personally, I prefer the supplemental creed as the fullest and completest method of adjustment."

—The Ram's Horn, Nov. 17, 1900, p. 22.

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