Friday, March 14, 2008

More Words of Wisdom


Sincerity is the secret of success.

It takes more than money to make a living.

Self-surrender is the secret of soul-satisfaction.

The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.

To break our mirrors will not make us beautiful.

The heart is only clean when it is wholly clean.

You cannot make an enemy without losing a friend.

Sympathy for others is a salve for our own sorrows.

It is a vain hope that the chains of habit will rust off.

The supreme art of living may be summed up in giving.

When a father is too tender his sons usually balance things.

Life is a man's opportunity for the realization of his ideals.

To be at our best to-morrow we must be at our best to-day.

When ambition is the child of envy it will be the mother of sorrows.

The lights of the world are not illumined by the fires of controversy.

He who has friends only to use them will have them only to lose them. — Ram's Horn.

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