Sunday, March 30, 2008

Notable Men and Women - 2


Count Tolstoi, the famous Russian novelist, neither drinks, smokes, nor eats meat. It is his boast that he does not possess a single article he could possibly dispense with; and he has even refused to receive a bicycle as a present, on the ground that it is a luxury. His recreations are chess and lawn-tennis, at both of which he is adept.

George Muller still lives in good deeds though he has been dead some years. The income for the orphanages he founded in Bristol, England, is not diminishing. Last year it was nearly $190,000. Much of it comes in peculiar form, and shows the influence of Mr. Muller's ideas on devout minds. A large amount, for example, is money that would otherwise have been paid for life and fire insurance, but is contributed as an expression of faith in God for protection instead of trust in insurance companies.

—The Ram's Horn, Nov. 17, 1900. p. 23.

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