Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Many Clowns in the Pulpit


Prominent Clergyman Makes Startling Statement at Chautauqua

Chautauqua, New York, dispatch Dr. James M. Buckley, chairman of the episcopacy committee of the Methodist Episcopal church, declared in an address that a clergyman has no right to make his congregation laugh and that to do so is irreverence. "Yet there are a good many clowns in the pulpit," he concluded.

The Secret of Happiness

The man who can drill his thoughts, so as to shut out everything that is depressing and discouraging and see only the bright side even of his misfortunes and failures, has mastered the secret of happiness and success. He has made himself a magnet to draw friends, cheer, brightness and good fortune to him. His presence is like a sunbeam on a dull day.

There is no accomplishment, no touch of culture, no gift which will add so much to the alchemic power of life as the optimistic habit — the determination to be cheerful and happy no matter what comes to us. It will smooth rough paths, light up gloomy places, and melt away obstacles as the sunshine melts snow on the mountain side. — Success.

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