Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For God's Eternal Glory


The sphere of miracle is but an extension and transfiguration of natural force. The title of Dr. Drummond's suggestive work, "Natural Law in the Spiritual World," expresses a truth, which carries us even further than his remarkable exposition of it. God did not make a mistake in the sublime constitution and appointment of universal law." It was intended to be, and shall for ever be, made the vehicle for the manifestation of His eternal glory.

God's Face Hidden

It is a dictum of science that, if light were capable of being seen, we should be blind to aught else, and life would be impossible in its present form. How wonderfully this modern idea chimes in with the old words of the Almighty to Moses: "In the day that thou seest My face thou shalt surely die." If we could see but a small portion of the all-pervading greatness, power and glory of the Creator, would interest be any longer possible in human concerns?

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