Saturday, July 14, 2007

"God Cares for the Cattle," Said Pastor Stevenson

New York, 1901

Condemned Cruelties to Animals Resulting from the Demands of Fashion

At the Park Central Presbyterian Church yesterday morning Rev. W. P. Stevenson preached on the topic, "God Cares for Cattle." The sermon appealed for mercy and kindness to animals.

Mr. Stevenson in his introduction told of Jonah's impatience because Nineveh was not destroyed. The Lord, however, told the prophet that he had not destroyed the city for the reason that there were thousands of souls in it, besides much cattle. In this manner the speaker showed that the Lord is mindful concerning even the animals.

Of the treatment of animals Mr. Stevenson spoke in no uncertain terms. He severely condemned high check reins, blinders and severe bits for horses. The wholesale destruction of birds for millinery purposes, the docking of horses and other cruelties practiced for the sake of fashion he censured because of the moral wrong.

The tendency in man is too much toward brutality and the needless destruction of life, the speaker said. He appealed to the persons present to be considerate and help the helpless. The golden rule, he said, applies to the brute creation, even as with man.

—The Post-Standard, Syracuse, New York, May 13, 1901, p. 7.

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