Wednesday, September 10, 2008


New York, 1895

A Claim of Deception in All Saints' Episcopal Parish.

The Rev. Louis DeCormis, rector of All Saints' Episcopal church, Great Neck, has resigned. His resignation was accepted at once by the vestry. This action was taken by the rector, after a pastorate of nine years, because of friction between himself and some of the vestry. Mr. DeCormis went to Great Neck in 1886. He brought such vigor into the management of affairs that he gathered a strong and wealthy congregation about him. A beautiful stone church was erected.

Everything went well until a month ago. Then a petition was circulated, asking the pastor to do more parish work, especially in the way of establishing a Sunday school. Many of the members and particular friends of the pastor signed this petition, being led to believe that it was the desire of the rector. George Hewlett was most active in getting signers to this paper. After the members had all been solicited, a meeting of the vestry was held Wednesday night, and a resolution was passed asking the Rev. Mr. DeCormis to resign. He refused. Mr. Hewlett said a large majority of the parishioners had signed a petition for his removal. Mr. DeCormis demanded to see the petition. Then he resigned.

When the petition was presented for signatures, it is claimed it asked for the establishment of a Sunday-school. Now, it reads to ask for the resignation of the rector. As soon as these facts became known, a stir was made. The friends of the pastor declared they had no such intention, and they started out to ascertain who was responsible for the turn things had taken. The people who have been put in a false light are starting another petition asking the vestry to reconsider their action, and also asking the Rev. Mr. DeCormis to remain.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 28, 1895, p. 1.

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