Monday, September 1, 2008


New York, 1895

He Will Be Succeeded at Morris Park by the Rev. Mr. Laass.

The Rev. Arthur W. Byrt concluded his labors with the Morris Park M. E. Church last Sunday. He delivered an historical address in the morning and in the evening preached a farewell sermon.

Monday night a reception was tendered him which was largely attended, not only by Methodists but by many citizens of other denominations. Addresses were made by the Rev. Henry W. Bryan, the Rev. Joshua Kimber, the Rev. Howard Billman, the Rev. Mr. Miller, the Rev. William Ross, and the Rev. Dr. D. W. Couch. Counselor Sanders spoke in high terms of the appreciation of the church for the work the pastor had done among them. A most complimentary resolution was received from the board of trustees of the village, and a letter full of generous expressions of regard for Mr. Byrt from Father McGuire of St. Benedict's Catholic church. The young people's Friday night class presented the pastor with a handsome gift. During the five years of his ministry he has built up churches at Ozone Park and Morris Park, the church at Morris Park being valued at $15,000, and having but a small floating debt. Its membership is now 185.

The Rev. Gustave Laass, of Centre Moriches, is to succeed Mr. Byrt at Morris Park the first Sunday of July.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 28, 1895, p. 8.

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