Monday, September 1, 2008

Minister Taken Suddenly Ill

New York, 1895

The News of Richmond Hill.

The Richmond Hill tennis club opened their new grounds on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fowler are spending the summer at Sea Cliff.

The Richmond Hill public schools close to-day for the summer vacation.

Dr. Wells and family have returned to their residence on Hillside avenue for the summer.

Miss Pasche of Hampshire, England, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Breckenbridge of Lefferts' avenue.

Judge R. S. Picket, of New Haven, will deliver an address in the Congregational church on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colson, who have been visiting friends in Canada for several weeks returned home on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ring arrived home from their wedding tour on Friday and moved into their new cottage on Jefferson avenue on Saturday.

The postmaster general on Wednesday issued an order relegating the Richmond Hill postoffice from the third class to the fourth class. The order takes effect July 1st.

The Richmond Hill Council, Royal Arcanum, will be instituted and the officers installed at Association Hall on Saturday evening. The council will start with 40 members.

Closing exercises of the public schools will be held to-day. The exercises at the Linden, avenue school will begin at 9.15, at the Hillside avenue school at 11, and at the Johnson avenue school at 2 o'clock.

The mission band of the Church of the Resurrection held a festival on the grounds of Mrs. O. B. Fowler on Saturday at which there was a good attendance and a neat sum was realized for the mission.

The fourth of July will be an interesting day at Richmond Hill. In the morning there will be a firemen's parade of the Morris Park, Chester Park and Clarenceville departments. There will be fireworks in the evening.

The new building in course of erection by Joel Fowler for a store, offices and public hall, on the corner of Jefferson avenue and the Brooklyn and Jamaica road, is partly in frame and will be ready for occupancy by the middle of August.

Rev. Mr. Valentine was to have officiated in the Church of the Resurrection on Sunday morning. As he was about to commence his sermon he was taken suddenly ill and was obliged to give up. Rev. Mr. Bryan officiated in his stead. In the evening there was a musical service by the boy choir.

The Rev. Henry B. Bryan, who was recently appointed Almoner at the Cathedral, Garden City, and tendered his resignation as rector of the Church of the Resurrection, and afterwards recalled it, the vestry increasing his salary from $1,200 to $1,500, has again tendered his resignation and will enter upon his duties at the Cathedral on August 1st.

At a meeting of citizens held in the Congregational church on Thursday evening it was decided to call a meeting of the tax-payers of the village to vote upon the question of bonding the village for $50,000 for improvements, $40,000 for roads, $8,000 for a village hall, and $2,000 for payment of the costs of incorporation.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 28, 1895, p. 8.

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