Monday, August 11, 2008

Mohammedan Tree Worship


To a certain degree the inhabitants of all Mohammedan countries are worshipers of the tree known as the date palm. One of the prophet's most supreme and binding injunctions is, "Honor thy paternal aunt, the date palm, for in paradise was it created and from the very heap of dust out of which Adam's body was formed."

The Mohammedans also have a tradition to the effect that when Adam and Eve were driven from the garden they were allowed to take with them a date seed, and that from that single seed sprang all the date trees now known. By some admirable providence the original date seed was planted, and the tree grow where the temple of Mecca now stands, and from its trunk was hewn the cradle which often lulled the infant Mohammed to sleep. The Mohammedans declare that all prayers are fulfilled which are made with the knees pressing upon palm wood or with the same kind of wood in the hand. — St. Louis Republic.

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