Monday, August 25, 2008

Kimber Preaches at Little Neck

New York, 1895

The News of Richmond Hill.

The Rev. Joshua Kimber occupied the pulpit in Zion Episcopal church at Little Neck on Sunday morning.

The public schools in the Richmond Hill district will close for the summer vacation on Friday, the 28th.

Joel Fowler has been elected president of the Richmond Hill branch of the Western Savings and Loan association.

The Rev. M. M. G. Dana, of Lowell, Mass., occupied the pulpit in the Congregational church on Sunday evening.

The Sunday school of the church of the Resurrection held Children's Day services in the church on Sunday evening.

Miss Bessie Jones, daughter of Col. William A. Jones, was one of the graduates at Packer Institute in Brooklyn last week.

Agnes Weysmach of Vine street, while feeding a cat was badly bitten on the hand by the animal. Dr. Scovil cauterized the wound.

The Rev. Mr. Bryan, rector of the Church of the Resurrection, has decided not to accept the call as Almoner to the Garden City Cathedral, and the vestry of his church have unanimously voted to increase his salary from $1,200 to $1,500.

A meeting of the tax-payers of the village was held in the Congregational church last evening for the purpose of considering the advisability of issuing bonds for road improvements and other purposes.

Preparations are being made for a grand celebration on July 4th. There will be a parade in the morning of the fire department and boys' brigade. It is expected that the Hon. Richard C. McCormick will deliver the oration. There will be fireworks in the evening.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 21, 1895, p. 8.

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