Monday, August 11, 2008

Children's Day Observances.

New York, 1895

Children's Day was celebrated in many churches on Sunday. In the Methodist church, Jamaica, the exercises were held in the evening by the children under the direction of the superintendent of the school, George W. Burnham, and his assistant, Alfred H. Beers. The platform was handsomely decorated with flowers. There was singing and recitations by the children, and an address by the pastor, Rev. H. H. Beattys.

A children's service was held in the Presbyterian church, Jamaica, Sunday morning, the children singing appropriate hymns. The sacrament of baptism was administered by the pastor, who also delivered an address.

The Sunday School of the Reformed church, Jamaica, held its anniversary Sunday evening in the church. The pulpit was decked with potted plants and cut flowers. William H. Statesir, superintendent of the school, presided. The exercises opened with a voluntary by Miss Irene Brinckerhoff, organist. The school entered the edifice singing the processional "Gladly Marching 'Neath God's Banner." The program embraced a number of hymns, responsive readings, a scripture lesson and exercises by the infant class. Addresses were made by the Rev. Mr. Stockwell, Rev. Mr. Tilton, and Nathaniel Croswell.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 14, 1895, p. 8.

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