Sunday, February 24, 2008


"Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift." — II. Cor. 9:15.

I. It is the best of gifts. The heart naturally yearns for love. "Greater love hath no man than this," etc. "Herein is love, not that we loved God," etc. "God so loved the world," etc.

II. Because it includes other gifts. Have you Christ? If you trust and serve Him you have the guarantee of all.

III. Because it improves other gifts. The presence of one possession may add to the worth of all else. Examine, sight. Thus it is with the gift Christ. And we all seem better for it. It improves everything.

1. We value nature more.

2. We value human nature more.

3. We value the Bible more.

IV. Because it makes us givers. When we receive it we become like it.

V. Because it is a gift to all. "To all people."

1. A gift, not a loan.

2. A gift, not a purchase.

"'Tis only God that is given away, 'Tis only Heaven may be had for the asking!"

3. How shall we express our "thanks?"

(a) By giving this gift to others.

(b) By giving ourselves to the Giver. - Rev. Thomas R. Stevenson.

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