Sunday, February 24, 2008


"Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah." Isaiah 1:9.

I. The Little Remnant in History.

1. The Jews were a small people, comparatively.

2. The power of God was made manifest in them throughout.

3. The little-minority—the hope of the world.

II. The Remnant Essential.

1. Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah.

2. Christianity saved the Roman Empire under Tacitus.

3. Christianity is the core of civilization.

III. The Method of the Survival of the Remnant.

1. Scattered to the four winds of the earth.

2. Scattering increases—as said Solomon.

3. The artist spends much time and material, etc.

4. The sculptor cuts away the stone, etc.

IV. The Gospel of the Remnant.

1. Good news to us today—the few have conquered.

2. Revolutions in creeds, theology, doctrine, society.

3. "Sifted as corn is sifted" (Amos), none lost.

V. The Remnant and the Individual.

1. The individual hates the remnant. Does not like to he classed with the minority.

2. Success depends on how we work the remnant — in others, in ourselves.

3. Make the most of the little good In your own life.

VI. The Remnant and the Other Fellow.

1. The animal of humanity.

2. Not yet entirely emerged from the savage state.

3. Yet there is goodness in every individual, after all.

4. Stand by the remnant of good in the other fellow.

5. Examine the remnants in your own life. How little of good in man, yet Christ died to save him.

6. Get nearer to your fellowmen and save him.

7. Remember the text and apply yourself to wisdom.


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