Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Wicked Husbandmen (Mark 12:1-12)


Sunday School Lesson

Golden Text — They will reverence my son. — Mark 12:6.

God has intrusted to each of us a blessed and fruitful vineyard, which we are to culture for Him. He has planted His new life in us. He has given us our life, our soul. He gives us each a portion of all those things He has committed to the church as a whole. He makes us fruitful by His Word and His Spirit. He gives us every means of grace by which to cultivate the vineyard. He gives us defenses. He is our watch-tower. He gives grace for every time of need. He furnishes the armor against temptation. The body is a vineyard that is intrusted to our care, to be well treated as an instrument for doing God's work. A good workman always takes good care of his tools. The mind is still more wonderful, and should be educated, trained, kept pure and bright, that it may bring forth fruit for the Master. The soil, the very self — the citadel, the dwelling place of the moral nature, the fountain of character — is a vineyard that should be kept with all diligence, "for out of it are the issues of life."

The fruits are gratitude, love, obedience, worship, consecration of time, talents and property toward God; and all the fruits of the Spirit toward men; intelligence, generosity, character, growth. Note that, as the cultivator of the vineyard was to enjoy the fruits it bore, and the more fruitful it was, the more industriously he cultivated it for the owner, the more abundant and delightful was his own reward; so it is with those to whom God has intrusted His spiritual vineyard; every fruit God requires is best for themselves.

Sending for the Fruits. — Every special call to love and serve God, every service at the church, every opportunity to do good, every providence of God, every season of revival, the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Sabbath, the Bible, conscience — all are servants whom God sends to us for the fruits that are due Him.

The Fruits Refused. — The behavior of these husbandmen is only a picture of the way impenitent men still treat God's messengers of mercy — the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the influences of religion. What greater meanness in the universe than our rejection of God's messengers while we are actually enjoying the vineyard He gave us?

The unspeakable love of God to us is shown in the sending of His Son (John 3:16). He is the wisdom and power of God for salvation. God has done all that infinite love can do to save us. He comes often to our souls with special influences to lead us to accept Him. Everyone at some time comes to the valley of decision.

If we reject Christ for this world we are lost for this world. Those who reject Christ from their lives and plans, in order that they may keep possession of themselves, their pleasures and hopes, have taken the shortest and surest way to lose them. The righteous shall inherit the earth. If we refuse the source of righteousness we reject our earthly inheritance. How much more is this true of the future! Those who reject Christ cannot be saved. They refuse eternal life; they reject the very principles which make Heaven what it is. They repel the strongest influence that can lead them to a holy life. They throw away their last hope.

Though mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.

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